Date posted: Sat, 13 Jul 2024
Posted by: Jess V

Hi everyone,

I want to apologise to those of you who received an email today (that was meant to be sent out two years ago!) informing you of the new MUMC President and Snow Sports Officer for 2022. This email was sent automatically, and in error. Please disregard the email. It was a weird glitch that occurred as a result of us making some updates to the backend of the website. 

To clarify, I’m still the President of MUMC for 2023/24, and Tom Woodruff is still the Snow Sports Officer for 2023/24. 

Additionally, some of you may have received emails informing you of trips from 2022. Again, please disregard these emails. 

There were also some emails about upcoming trips that you may have missed, as they weren’t sent out when they were supposed to. 

These include:

  • Backcountry info night this Tuesday 16th July from 7:30pm at the MUMC clubrooms, run by Tom Woodruff
  • Lorne Wonderful Waterfalls (intermediate) bushwalk next Sat 20th - Sun 21st July, run by Chris Karelas (meeting this Tues 16th July!)
  • Mt Buffalo & Lake Catani (intermediate) bushwalk Fri 2nd - Sun 4th August, run by Lindsay

As always, head to our website to see these and other upcoming MUMC trips:

If you have any questions or concerns about the emails sent today, please feel free to reach out to me via email () or messenger.

Have a lovely night and take care,

Jess :)

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