This trip has been cancelled

Training Logo


Mon 6 6:00pm - Wed 8 Apr 2020 10:00pm

Posted by Maggie D on Tue, 3 Mar 2020
Leaders: Maggie D
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting

6pm --> 10pm 06/04

6pm --> 10pm 08/04

HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

HLTAID002 - Provide basic emergency life support

HLTAID003 - Provide first aid

HLTAID005 - Provide first aid in remote situations

Cost for this training will be $200 p/p with the club training fund subsidising a certain amount yet to be confirmed. If you plan to be a leader, are running trips and don't have training etc please email me at to be added. An involvement or eagerness to be involved in the club is great = a big fat yes to joining in :) 

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