Fri 7 6:00pm - Sun 9 Sep 2012 10:00pm
Posted by Mitchell S
on Sun, 22 Jul 2012
Mitchell S
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 4 Sep 2012, 6:04 pm
Requirements: The ability to appreciate wine.
So this is just an idea a few of us have talked about, let me know if you have any suggestions. The idea is for a more social club trip, where not just climbers, or just bushwalkers, or just those funny conservation types attend.
Friday: drive for 3 hours to Gentle Annie camping reserve near Whitfield. Grab dinner on the way. http://www.gentleannie.net.au/index.php
Saturday morning, chose betwen:
- Hike along a yet-to-be-determined trail and enjoy the pretty scenery. We need leaders for this.
- Kayak down the King River twice. This depends upon the river level, the number of leaders we have and the experience level of the group. Realistically, probably no more than 12 will be able to do this.
- Start win tasting early.
Saturday afternoon:
Wine tasting!
There are 6 wineries located within a 5km radius of the caravan park. Walk, cycle or get a designated driver.
Saturday night:
Continue drinking wine (or your poison of choice) around a campfire and cook up a bbq dinner or something.
For those with a non-student budget, the boutique gasto pub, the Mountain View Hotel may be of interest. http://mvhotel.com.au/
Sunday, choose between:
- Nursing your hangover
- More winetasting
- Hiking somewhere else
- Kayaking the King or something else
As you can see, details need to be fleshed out. This is only a suggestion, so feel free to offer alternatives.
This will more than likely be a combined trip with Monash (MBOC) and any other outdoors clubs that are interested.
Mitchell Stephen,
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