Check out some of our recent adventures in the club magazine, The Mountaineer.

The 2024 80th anniversary edition has been published. Copies are available for pick up at the clubrooms for members.


The Mountaineer — or The Circular as it was originally known — began as a means of notifying members of coming events. Eventually it evolved to include trip reports and articles on mountaineering. In 1961, it was formally registered at the post office as a periodical. The Baillieu Library at Melbourne University's Parkville campus, the State Library of Victoria, and the National Library in Canberra each hold a collection of past editions.

Today, The Mountaineer serves to document and celebrate MUMC’s activities and people. It is a high quality publication and continues to engross readers with each edition released.

Past Issues

Below you will find a selection of past editions that reveal the club's personalities, the wildernesses explored, the rocks and mountains climbed, rivers kayaked, and all the highs and lows of each adventure. Enjoy.