Whitewater Kayaking
Sun 24 Jan 2016 9:00am - 1:30pm
Posted by David H
on Mon, 25 Jul 2016
David H
Standard: n/a
Meeting: No meeting
After a great day out at the beach last week, let’s get back in the pool to get ready for upcoming river trips and canoe polo season.
If you’re not away for the long weekend, come join us on Sunday at Victoria University pool for a rolling session. The pool session is supported by the club and MU Sport so we will have the pool for free for 2 hours.
Like the sessions we ran last year we will partner up and have one person in a boat whilst the other assists. That way we can maximise the number of people who can attend.
We will be self-teaching and helping your partner but hopefully we can get people of various experiences so that we can make the most of it.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about I encourage you to check out some videos online: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDEC5D41B39E07F30
This is how I first learnt to roll last year; I watched videos and attended MUMC rolling sessions.
We will finish up with the traditional stop at the fish and chip shop and possibly if we can get it going we’ll spend an hour or so to do a video review session back at the clubrooms.
Everyone is welcomed but you must be able to swim.
Numbers are limited to 14 participants due to the size of the pool but we will also be limited by the number of cars.
Trip meeting will be on the Tuesday night before. My email is if you have any questions.
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