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Rock Climbing

Sat 25 - Sun 26 Nov 2017

Posted by Matt D on Tue, 14 Nov 2017
Leaders: Matt D
Standard: Advanced
Meeting: Tue, 21 Nov 2017, 12:00 am

The first stage of implementing our climbing education framework is to certify an initial group of instructors.

This is a weekend for those already have experience climbing and teaching others. We are looking at a range from 5-10 instructors. If you're a past member and wish to get involved again, come along! If you're a current member who has good climbing experience, come along! If you're just interested in general, come along! We will have an information session tonight (Tue 14th Nov) and the the trip meeting next week, which will cover the same information as tonight.

We will be assessing people to the level of 'MCI' which has a lesson plan and assessment sheet available. You still have time before the weekend to refine your skills and make sure you're up to date with the framework. Additional documents are available here:

For any more information, contact me at , or come and visit us at the clubrooms on a Tuesday meeting.

Update - 20/11/2017

To go into a little bit more detail:

We will be heading up to Mt Macedon/Camels Hump area. In terms of what is happening on the day, those who is being assessed will only need to attend for a day trip.

We also need a logbook of your climbing - at least 2000m/40 climbs. This can be a book written up, it can be on-line like, or any other way to show us you have been climbing recently. You can pick up a book to fill out at the trip meeting if you like!

Some points that you might need to touch up on:

  • Incident Reports at MUMC
  • Understanding the climbing framework
  • Teaching skills
  • Rescue skills

We will go over all that at the trip meeting tomorrow - or get up to date with the links above, in particular the MUMC Climbing Instructor course/assessment.

I'd like to add a quick disclaimer: this is a thorough assessment. We cover lots of skills that are not used in everyday climbing. By signing off someone who has not demonstrated the required skills, we risk the chance of passing on unproven/inadequate knowledge - compromising the integrity of the framework. We will be fair, and explain anything that comes up.

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