Search and Rescue
Tue 13 Feb 2018 6:30pm
Posted by Rodney P
on Fri, 2 Feb 2018
Rodney P
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting
MUMC does a few things to serve the wider community. The club runs a rogaine each year, and helps with tree planting and other conservation work. We also support Bush Search and Rescue, an emergency service that teams up with the Police Search and Rescue Squad when they need more searchers.
People get lost at inconvenient times, and BSAR needs lots of volunteers to ensure that someone is available when they're needed. If you've thought about joining, please come to this information session and find out how.
To get a feeling for what happens on a search, you could read some of the reports in Behind the Log, the BSAR newletter. It's a lot like rogaining, and not nearly as exciting as it looks on TV. If you can't make the session, you could talk to Ryan Judd, the club's BSAR delegate, or to me, Dani, Taner, Dave Platzer, Aido, and other regular searchers who I've no doubt forgotten.
Don't be put off by the entry requirements on the website. In particular, women who don't think that they have enough experience for BSAR should come anyway. If you're an independent bushwalker, you can tick the rest of the boxes by going on a few club trips.
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