![Mountaineering Logo](/img/icons/mountaineering.png)
Fri 6 7:00pm - Sat 7 Jul 2018 11:00pm
Posted by Luke F
on Thu, 15 Mar 2018
Luke F
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: No meeting
The West Ridge of Mt Buller is a very scenic outing, it also presents many beginner level mountaineering challenges (depending on the snow conditions). Rock scrambling with snow and ice covered rocks, and climbing a steep south facing slope with crampons (if the snow is firm) to reach the summit of Mt Buller.
Signups are open early so I know who to talk to in the months leading up to the trip. Don't be put off if the trip looks full, as that often happens when you post a trip this early, and most people don't end up coming.
I'll probably be taking my skis to ski some of the chutes and other slopes on the mountain during lunch time while people are relaxing. Feel free to have a chat to me about this if you're interested in skiing too.
The plan is to camp somewhere near the base of the route on Friday night, and then wake up at 4am (to simulate a legit mountaineering trip), eat a quick hot breakfast, and make our way up the track, hopefully clearing the tree line before the sun rises for an epic morning with nice photos.
I'm thinking we'll either run this trip on Saturday or Sunday depending on the weather and snow conditions.
This isn't a technical climb, it's not important for you to have technical rock climbing experience. What's more important is your fitness, and your hiking experience. I'm looking for people who have been on at least one hiking trip with the club and can get a leader's recommendation (or have significant demonstrable personal experience). This trip involves more risk than your typical hiking trip, just like mountaineering in general. Please talk to me if you aren't sure about your abilities or fitness. Please talk to me anyway, I need to be sure you're capable.
The hike has about 700m vertical, and the first 300m of which can be rather a struggle if there has been plenty of recent snow, as the branches hang low and impede progress.
It's important that you take boots which are capable of fitting crampons. I have a spare pare which I could lend, and perhaps some other club members may be able to help with this. If you're seriously considering trying mountaineering, buying your own boots is not a bad investment. There is also the option of using club ski boots. I'll probably walk up in my runners or hiking boots, and stick the ski boots on when we hit the snow line.
You can get in contact with me at this email address:
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