Rock Climbing
Mon 28 May 2018 6:00pm
Posted by Channa Dias P
on Tue, 22 May 2018
Channa Dias P
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting
Hey there!
During the semester, MUMC runs a weekly social indoor climbing trip at NorthWalls. The idea is to rock up at NorthWalls climbing gym at 6pm and climbing till yer tired! To get there, take the tram up Sydney road, from the tram stop at the corner of Grattan and Flemington road.
You can hire gear at NorthWalls but you can also hire gear for
cheaper at the clubrooms, on the Monday It costs $5 and a
$20 deposit. We can also take a ID card as a deposit. Let me know before
Monday if you want to hire the gear. You can contact me by messaging my
name on Facebook (Channa Dias Perera).
The gear will have to returned on the night, so come to the clubrooms later that night to return the gear. We'll sort it out when we hire the gear out to ya.
Sign Ups are closed for the page but if you want to look for a partner, please join our climbing Facebook: OXO Indoor Climbers on Facebook!
Hope to see you all!
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