Sun 1 - Fri 6 Jul 2018
Posted by Lingshu L
on Tue, 12 Jun 2018
Lingshu L
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 7:30 pm
Subject to me being able to take the week off work, and the weather, I'd like to walk from Mt Feathertop to Mt Buller! The aim is to link up the "XMAS in July on Mt Feathertop trip":
with the "West Ridge of Mt Buller trip":
The goal is to walk up and party at MUMC hut on the Saturday night, then spend the next week walking the Razorback to Mt Hotham, then taking the Australian Alpine Walking Track (AAWT): Blowhard Hut, Mt St Bernard, Twins, Mt Murray, Mt Selwyn, Barry Saddle, Vikings, Viking Saddle, Catherine Saddle, Mt Speculation (or almost), and hopping off the AAWT to get to Mt Buller.
If we can't get lifts, public transport (and additional walking) could be an option, but will significantly add travel time.
I'm not super experienced in overnight snow hiking so it should be interesting. More so if I'm solo... Trip would be open to people who have camped overnight in the snow before (could have been in a tent, doesn't have to be a tarp), and have previous experience in walking with all their food and equipment for over 5 days. Will do research on snow conditions and avalanche dangers.
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