Sat 20 Oct 2018 8:30am - 7:00pm
Posted by Laura d
on Thu, 4 Oct 2018
Jak B, Laura d
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 16 Oct 2018, 7:00 pm
Howdy! It's time for me to get a quick break while being crazy busy, and there's no better way to do that than with a day hike.
We'll be going to Mount Macedon and have a nice day in nature. It's possible to get right at the start of the trail by train, so there's no need of organising cars, hooray! We'll take the trail up to the ANZAC memorial at the top and then head down the back of the mountain.
The plan is to get on the 9am train and meet at 8.30am at Southern Cross (exact location will be told at the trip meeting). Since we're catching the train there's no option of coming late, if you're not there you won't be on the trip. The train ride will cost about $17 full fare and we should be back around 6-7pm.
For the trip you should bring a day pack with 2l of water, lunch (we won't stop for food on the way), snacks, raincoat + fleece (you never know what the weather does) and a pair of hiking boots (runners could do).
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