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Rock Climbing

Sat 16 - Sun 17 Feb 2019

Posted by Jack M on Fri, 8 Feb 2019
Leaders: Jack M, Luke F, Adele W, Aaron L
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 7:30 pm

Start your climbing career at MUMC!

Luke, Adele and myself are running the club's Intro to Trad Climbing and Abseiling course. We're doing it under the supervision of Aaron, who will be assessing us as we assess you. Be warned, this is an instructional course, not just a climbing trip. There's going to be lots of time when we're not actually climbing, but almost all of the content is going to be interactive, with plenty of time to practice what's being taught.

This is the first course in the MUMC climbing framework, which will cover (over the weekend and a 2-hour theory session on Tuesday night):

- Seconding single and multipitch trad climbs

- Setting up and assessing top-rope anchors

- Abseiling with a prussik back-up

- Knots for climbing at abseiling

- Assessment towards being a "seconder" in MUMC

After the course, you'll need to log 4 days of supervised climbing, then you're free to climb with any Independent Lead Climber in the club. For more info on how the system works, ask one of us, Andriana, or anyone you find around the place with chalky hands and funny toes.

To come on this weekend, you'll need to have some climbing experience, either top-roping outdoors or regular climbing indoors. You'll also want to have some experience bushwalking, as we'll be outside in the elements and car-camping for the weekend.

Leaving Melbourne Friday night and back on Sunday night, location TBC but it'll most likely be Mt Arapiles NP.

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