Rock Climbing, Bushwalking
Sat 11 7:30am - Sun 12 May 2019 9:00pm
Posted by Luke F
on Fri, 29 Mar 2019
Luke F, Laura d, Channa Dias P, Caitlin M
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 7 May 2019, 7:00 pm
Looking for more Leaders!
Hello MUMC members! This trip is open to all beginners, doesn't matter if you haven't been camping before!
A banana themed weekend of adventure in the outdoors. A day of top-rope outdoor rockclimbing at Werribee Gorge, followed by a short drive and evening walk to our campsite in Lerderderg Gorge. The next day we'll do some hiking around Lerderderg Gorge, and then drive back home to Melbourne.
I've set the number of participants to 12, however this will depend highly on the leaders who are available to help run the trip. It would be great to have another bushwalking leader, and also someone who is seconder or ILC in the climbing framework, otherwise I'll need to drop the number.
Finally, keep an eye out for the beginner ski trip in July, it would be great to see you all there again!
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