Rock Climbing
Sun 8 Mar 2020
Posted by Rodney P
on Tue, 25 Feb 2020
Rodney P, Hugh M, Caitlin M
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 3 Mar 2020, 7:30 pm
Top roping is how you start climbing. If you have no experience (or no gear) this trip is totally fine for you. It's a great way just to spend some time outdoors.
If you have some experience gym climbing, this would be a great way to climb on real rock! Often it's a bit trickier than expected.
The venue will depend on the weather (Mt Macedon or Ben Cairn if hot, Werribee Gorge if cold), and will be decided before the trip meeting. Note that attending the trip meeting is compulsory.
Please read the MUMC Rock-Climbing Participant Guidelines before attending the meeting,
There will be a $10 gear hire fee, plus petrol money by the club formula.
The club has the following gear for hire; shoes, helmets, and harnesses (if you don't own them yourself).
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