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Whitewater Kayaking, Rafting

Fri 24 5:30pm - Sun 26 Apr 2020 9:30pm

Posted by Natalie U on Wed, 11 Mar 2020
Leaders: Natalie U, Eoin F, Richard B
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 21 Apr 2020, 7:30 pm


Rumour has it that there will be a dam release on Thomson river (grade 2-3) between 20-24th April with predicted gauge height of 0.6 m at Coopers Creek, which means there'll be just enough water for a decent paddle at this time of the year! Paddling leaders, please sign up, looking for: safety kayakers, raft guides. 

We'll run the section Bruntons Bridge to Cowwarr Weir, on overnight paddle, camping halfway through in a sandy bay - you'll need your camping gear!  This trip is beginner friendly, though beginners can only paddle on a raft. The number of rafting spots will depend on how many additional raft guides we round up, so either 10 or 15 beginners can raft. Additionally, people skilled and confident at grade 2-3 rivers are encouraged to paddle a kayak (no cap there). 

Prerequisites for rafting:

  • You are able to swim confidently 50 meters
  • You attend the Whitewater Safety Theory Night

Prerequisites for kayaking:

  • You are able to swim confidently 50 meters
  • You attend the Whitewater Safety Theory Night
  • You can roll 

We'll keep you posted with details, stay tuned! The Whitewater Safety Theory Night will be held closer to the trip date, Natalie will run it likely on Tuesday before the trip.


Richard, Eoin and Natalie 


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