Sat 19 Mar 2011 - 12:00am
Posted by Mitchell S
on Mon, 14 Mar 2011
Mitchell S
Standard: n/a
Meeting: Tue, 15 Mar 2011, 7:17 pm
Requirements: None!
A beginner friendly day walk around the Blowhard circuit at Lake Eildon.
New to the club and can't commmit to a full weekend away? Why not come on a day trip. This enjoyable circuit walk includes views accross Lake Eildon, the opportunity for some swimming (The water can be rather cold ...) and from the summit 360 degree views encompassing Mt Buller and the Great Dividing Range.
Everyone MUST attend the trip meeting on Tuesday 15 March at 7.30pm.
Gear you will need: Sturdy shoes, lunch, warm jumper, day pack and rain coat (can both be hired from the gear store).
Trip leader is Emma Harold.
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