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Canoe Polo

Wed 14 Jul 8:00pm - Wed 22 Sep 2021 10:00pm

Posted by Natalie U on Sat, 8 May 2021
Leaders: Natalie U
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: No meeting

Winter is coming and so is Brunswick Baths comp! 

Read below Jade's email for details. In short, MUMC needs a team of ideally 8 people, if we have more interest, we can put together more teams or fill any ROC vacancies. Returning players may be entitled to a partial fees subsidy. 

Dates / Format

The season will run from the 1st of June until the 1st of September with two weeks off over the school holidays. We have the pool for the same time as the previous season with access for setup from 8pm and access to the pool at 8:15 for first game, out of the pool by 9:45 and packed up and out of the centre by 10pm. One change from last season is that we won't be having separate A,B,C and Novice grades for this season. With the number of teams in the competition at the moment we will be combining A and B grade on the Tuesday night to allow teams a wider variety of teams to play against instead of the same one or two teams. On Wednesday night there will be one grade as well, with any novice players gaining experience in the shallow end before then joining in with games, we ask all teams/players to be considerate of newer players getting in to the sport and to be as supportive and inclusive as possible. 

Cost / Team Entries

The cost for the season per team is $1500. We understand that this is a large cost for teams but unfortunately we cannot reduce the cost due to the high expenses of pool hire. We hope that come October and daylight savings we can utilise the permanent field at Edgewater to host some more weekly polo competitions to offer more polo within the year. Team entries can either be emailed to myself or submitted on the Canoe Polo Victoria website: Team entries are due on the 28th of May.


To assist in improving the overall level of refereeing both within this competition and the sport in Victoria there will be a number of requirements for this competition. It will be mandatory for all players to complete the Paddle Australia "introduction to canoe polo rules" online course available at

This is a requirement for all players, not just those that will be referees during the season, to help improve the behaviour and quality of play on the field as well as the officiating. Any qualified referee that received their qualification prior to the rule changes in 2018 should make sure that they are 100% up to date with the latest version of the rules, particularly the rules introduced around cards, safety concerns, and penalties.

In addition, it is expected that each team have a minimum of two qualified referees within their team. Teams that do not have any currently qualified referees should have a minimum of two players that, over the course of the season, are happy to sit their refereeing exam and practical assessment to become qualified referees. We are currently creating an online version of the exam that people can sit prior to the season starting and we have a number of newly qualified orange-level referees that will be overseeing shadowing of referees that are seeking qualification, as well as shadowing any referees that the competition committee feels need assistance in improving their officiating.

We will have more information about the season regarding gear hire (all gear will be available as previous just with a few extra rules in place for COVID requirements), duty and setup, and more. In the meantime I hope everyone can start getting teams together and if anyone has any questions please let me know.



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