Canoe Polo Logo

Canoe Polo

Sat 26 8:30am - Sun 27 Feb 2022 4:00pm

Posted by Aaditya C on Mon, 31 Jan 2022
Leaders: Aaditya C
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: No meeting

Hi Everyone,

This is an overnight trip to play in the Nagambie cup at theĀ Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre.

For those who don't know what Canoe Polo is, it is a game played with kayaks, that would require a team to score by throwing polo balls into a goal that is raised a few meters above the water.

We are just looking for numbers at the moment to see if we have enough to start beginners and/or an intermediate level team.

This will be a great competition to improve your skills and watch some high-level canoe polo.

There is free camping located about 15mins drive from the lake where we will be camping at. Some of us will be heading there on Friday night, and a few would drive up on Saturday or Sunday.

It's ok if you cannot attend both days, there will be others who will be playing only on a single day and may be able to give you a lift.

Please sign up, and message me if you have any questions.



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