Rock Climbing
Sat 5 Mar 2022 8:00am - 6:00pm
Posted by Caitlin M
on Fri, 11 Feb 2022
Caitlin M, Alex B
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 1 Mar 2022, 7:00 pm
The first of (hopefully) many climbing trips this year! We will be visiting a crag close to Melbourne (TBC depending on weather) for some top roping outdoors. This is a great way to get into climbing and can be a fun and exciting challenge for any level of climbing experience.
No prior climbing experience necessary, and all gear can be hired from the club rooms at the meeting at $15 per person + shared gear and fuel costs. The gear needed is:
- Helmet
- Harness
- Belay device
- Locking Carabiner
Ticked off seconders and ILCs are encouraged to attend. Please let a leader on this trip know and we can discuss trip leader options for this and future top roping trips.
Attendence at the trip meeting is compulsory and those on the waitlist are encouraged to attend the meeting incase a spot opens up. Numbers will be finalised closer to the day and are subject to the number of cars available.
Covid- safe measures will be in place for this trip including wearing of masks in the clubrooms and in cars, limiting the sharing of gear and social distancing. If you are experiencing any Covid symptoms or are a close contact please let the leaders know and do not come to the trip or trip meeting.
Please read the participant guidelines:
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