This trip has been cancelled

Sat 7 - Sun 8 May 2022
Posted by Callum E
on Tue, 26 Apr 2022
Callum E
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Thu, 5 May 2022, 7:00 pm
Note the Thursday meeting. I can’t make it to the clubrooms on Tuesday. More information can be found here We are turning this hike into an overnight hike.
There are heaps of cool hikes around Lake Eildon and this is just one of them with awesome views! The plan is to drive out to Merlo lookout on Wallaby Bay Road where the hike begins. We will then hike to Mountaineer Creek campsite where we will camp the night before hiking back to the cars the next day.
Saturday: 12km
Sunday: 12km
A bit of elevation gain but otherwise not too difficult.
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