XC Skiing
Fri 15 7:00pm - Sun 17 Jul 2022
Posted by Luke F
on Wed, 25 May 2022
Luke F
Standard: Advanced
Meeting: Tue, 12 Jul 2022, 7:00 pm
Trip to Mt Bogong up Eskdale Spur for backcountry skiing/snowboarding. You must be comfortable riding at least a blue run at the resort, preferably black. We'll camp at Mountain Creek on Friday night, hike up on Saturday morning and have one night of camping in the snow before returning on Sunday evening.
You need to be responsible for renting or providing your own equipment but I can help as best I can. The club has some avalanche kits available for hire. It's Australia, the snow can often be very icy, I may recommend bringing boot crampons or ski crampons (definitely bring them if you've got them).
Snowboarders are welcome to join but you'll need to take snow shoes, and have a backpack capable of carrying your board on the back, otherwise you can rent a splitboard (recommended).
Preferable that you have had some formal avalanche education. There are courses available in Victoria, you should consider booking asap!
Fitness, you need to be comfortable with the idea of carrying your skis on your backpack 700 vertical meters, in possibly rain/sleet.
I won't be there for the trip meeting on Tuesday because I'm won't be living in Melbourne, so if anyone has questions about the trip, please get in touch with me (you can see my email I think if you signed up for the trip), leave a comment here if the email doesn't get through. If you're on the trip please get in contact with me at least a week in advance, preferably a couple of weeks.
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