Sat 20 - Sun 21 Aug 2022
Posted by Maya H
on Tue, 2 Aug 2022
Maya H, Alexander D (unconfirmed)
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 16 Aug 2022, 7:00 pm
MUMC has long been involved with the Regent Honeyeater Project in central Victoria. This incredible project has been planting trees for native birds and wildlife for over 20 years in the countryside around Benalla. This vegetation provides food and a home to the critically endangered regent honeyeater songbird, and also gliders and small mammals.
The details for this trip are still being figured out, but have a google and sign up if you're interested & we'll have all things sorted by the trip meeting :))
There are different roles with the planting. If you're up for a challenge you can prepare the soil with mattocks and spades. If you want something lighter you can switch to putting the plants in.
Note this trip is advertised by MUMC but it is run as an independent trip using an external organisation. Participants are responsible for their own health and safety during the trip. Information about how to participate will be provided by email to all those who sign up on the Friday a week before the event.
Option to stay both days or attend a single day only. Booking must be made for each day of attendance.
What to take:
- Camping gear for one or two nights
- Breakfast, a picnic lunch and snacks for Saturday.
- Breakfast and snacks for Sunday. (Or slip down to the bakery: great coffee and eats.)
- Gardening gloves and sensible clothing (hat, sunscreen, wet weather gear just in case).
- Tools are provided but you can bring your own if you prefer.
Area: Outside of Benalla (200km from CBD)
- Fuel
- Accommodation:
- Some cheap options for accommodation include the old Lurg School:
• Camping only
• Book via Dave Smith: 0357 664306
Any questions re bookings contact: 0417166824 or check out
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