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Rock Climbing

Fri 15 Jul 7:00pm - Sun 14 Aug 2011 7:00pm

Posted by Aaron L on Thu, 23 Jun 2011
Leaders: No leader
Standard: app/trips.standards.Advanced Climbers
Meeting: Fri, 15 Jul 2011, 7:00 pm

Requirements: Advanced climbers only

Pre-requisites: Lead belaying (NOT top-rope belaying) experience is a must. Lead-climbing on sport routes (NOT the same as top-rope climbing).

This is a LUMC-run trip, and Chris has forwarded the details on to me to circulate amongst our own climbers.  See his email below.  Signing up to this trip here won't get you on the trip - you have to go through the LUMC channel as below.  I recommend that only advanced, self sufficient climbers attend this trip.  You will need to know how to lead-climb on sport and lead belay.  If you don't know what "Lead climb on sport" is and how it differs from "Top-Rope Climb" then you don't know how to do it.  Similarly if you don't know how "Lead-Belay" differs from "Top-rope belay" then you don't know how to do that either. 



Hello climbers!

I'm planning a trip to Australia's premier sport climbing crag: Nowra. 
I've never been to Nowra but all told, there's over a thousand well bolted routes with a variety of styles and lengths (nothing really over 30m), suited to a range of abilities and interests. Further details can be found here [1].
Departing from around July 15th for a while. At least I month I suspect. Of course, if your less keen or available, you can come for whatever amount of time you please.
Enthusiasm is what's important; of course, the more climbing you have done the more you are likely to get out of going there. From what I've heard (I've never been to Nowra), there isn't a huge amount of easy stuff at Nowra. A lot of it tends to be quite steep too. Having said this, MUMC took a number of beginners up at Easter this year and I'm told they had plenty to do and had a good time.
The main cost is getting up there. It's three hours south of sydney. Costs to consider after that are gear if you hire it and food. We'll probably be camping to try and keep our costs down. There's a caravan park for $10 a night (+$2 for power) here; if it suits everyone I'll inquire about a long stay discount. We'll stay somewhere else if it becomes more amenable.

"Nowra is a fantastic sport climbing area, in quite a beautiful urban setting, with many of the crags sitting in valleys carved out by the Shoalhaven River. It is not unusual to park your car outside someone's house, then disappear into the bush, and 3 minutes later be at the crag. The climbing is characterized by being steep and powerful, there are not many pure endurance routes. While the climbing is not as visually inspiring as other areas in Australia, once you're on it's very good.

Nowra is a very comfortable place to climb, most of crags require a five minute approach at the most. All the routes are bolted with easy lower offs and the rock is generally very good. While Nowra doesn’t offer the casual café style that the Blue Mountains has, it is a good location for rest days, with reasonable surf only a short drive away. Nowra itself has all the amenities you would expect from a reasonably sized city.

For the beginner climber Nowra doesn't have a lot to offer, all the easier type climbs do tend to be the chossier ones, and there is very little below grade 18. For the intermediate to advanced climber however there is a lot of very good routes to do, especially if you climb 20+. The best crag in the area is Thompson's Point, it offers more climbing in a greater range of grades than any other Nowra crag. This is probably the best crag to visit if you are an intermediate climber. In the 18 to 24 range there is a plethora of really good routes, all well protected and ideal for pushing your grades on.

For the advanced climber there is loads of stuff to do. There are a lot of other crags apart from Thompson's, they are not quite so large and varied. The intermediate climber has to wander about a bit, but there are some real gems to be found. For the harder climber Nowra is a paradise of projects to do. Apart from climbing there is also a lot of bouldering, a lot of hard stuff has been done at areas like Lot 31 and Cheesedale.

All up Nowra is a great place to climb, what it lacks in presence, it makes up for in fun."

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