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Rock Climbing

Sat 2 Jul 2011 7:00am - 5:00pm

Posted by Anthony C on Mon, 27 Jun 2011
Leaders: No leader
Standard: app/trips.standards.Some climbing experience, will depend on numbers.
Meeting: Tue, 28 Jun 2011, 7:30 pm

Requirements: Personal gear (harness, shoes, belay device, helmet). Ropes and leading equipment (rack, etc) will need to be organised by individual parties.

I'm being optimistic that the weather forecast will improve, and planning on heading to Werribee Gorge on Saturday...

The trip's open to anyone who's climbed before (at least indoor), assuming at least a few people are interested and there are enough cars.  I plan on leading, but if it's stacked towards beginners we can set some topropes as well.  Everyone will need to arrange their own gear.

Come find me at the clubrooms on Tuesday if you're interested!

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