Rock Climbing
Wed 29 Mar 2023 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Posted by Luke P
on Wed, 22 Mar 2023
Luke P
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting
The long-awaited MUMC boulder night is finally here at Northside Northcote! This is a trial run, so this may be a weekly event, depending on how this goes. We will also most likely rotate gyms, so don't panic if Northside isn't your cup of tea.
I'll be there at around 7:00 to close, and it's an excellent opportunity to try some fantastic climbs and socialize with other club members!
As always, please be respectful to the other climbers present and the gym staff.
Entry is 20 dollars for a student (23 if not), with rentals available as an additional fee.
I hope to see everyone next Wednesday night!
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