This trip has been cancelled
Rock Climbing
Thu 11 8:00am - Fri 12 Apr 2024 9:00pm
Posted by Riley C
on Sat, 23 Mar 2024
Riley C, Connor G, James V
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 9 Apr 2024, 7:00 pm
We're heading down to the Gariwerd (Grampians) for two days of outdoor bouldering!
We'll depart from the clubrooms around 8am on Thursday morning and drive to the Gariwerd region. The plan is to boulder for the afternoon on Thursday, spend the night at either Mt Stapylton Campground or Borough Huts Campground and then get up early for a full day of climbing on Friday. We aim to be back at the clubrooms around 8 or 9pm Friday Night.
We're likely to go to Trackside Boulders, Sun Dial, and Venus Baths but open to suggestions.
Outdoor bouldering is hard and you will need some prior climbing experience to make the trip enjoyable. Consistently climbing grade 18 (5.10a/5c) on top rope indoors or doing most green boulders at Urban Climb will be the requirement for this trip. If you're keen for a more beginner focused outdoor bouldering trip email me and we can arrange a day trip close to Melbourne!
You will need to have climbing shoes, chalk, plenty of water capacity, food (two days worth), and camping gear (tent, sleep system, cooking equipment, etc).
We will have a trip meeting on Tuesday the 9th to confirm numbers, gear, and drivers. If you've signed up you must be in attendance at the meeting or must have contacted the leaders of the trip prior to the meeting.
If you have any questions you can ask at the meeting or contact me on the email above.
This trip is weather dependent, a reschedule or location change may be required if bad weather is forecast.
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