Conservation, Events
Sat 4 9:00am - Sun 5 May 2024 3:00pm
Posted by Leandro Aluisio S
on Wed, 1 May 2024
Leandro Aluisio S
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting
This is an event run by Crag Stewards Victoria. Crag Stewards Victoria are running a Working Bee event to help clear Mount Rosea track!
When? 9am-3pm Saturday May 4th and Sunday May 5th
From CSV
We require a number of volunteers to help clear fallen trees from teh Mt. Rosea climbers access track. We need:
- General volunteers to help with moving cut timber, carrying equipment and managing public access - no skills required
- An emergency first aider for sunday May 5th
Parks victoria requires all volunteers to have a current Working with Children Check. You will not be able to attend this activity if you do not meet this requirement. https://service.vic.gov.au/services/working-with-children
If you wish to attend, please email (Please nominate what day/s you wish to attend)
Meet at Mt. Rosea carpark
What to bring:
- Please bring gardening gloves, durable shoes and eye protection and hearing protection if you have some. Let us know if you don't.
- Wear long sleeves and pants. Bring hat and sufficient clothes for cold and wet conditions.
- Food and water for the day.
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