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Rock Climbing

Wed 29 May 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Posted by Riley C on Mon, 20 May 2024
Leaders: Riley C, Connor G
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: No meeting

Feel that you aren’t climbing at your highest level? Keen to test your sending potential?

Join us in the new extension at Urban Climb Collingwood at 6:00pm to do the 9c strength test with some mates! You can read about the test here.

In short, this test scores a climber based on finger strength, pull-up strength, core strength, and max hanging time to predict their maximum climbing grade (assuming no foot slips). Obviously this isn't always accurate but it's a good indicator of your max climbing grade if your technique and head game were perfect.

Because finger strength is measured on a hangboard, it is recommended that participants are already familiar with hanging on small edges. To do this test it is recommended that you can climb green-level problems or above at Urban Climb to reduce risk of injury.

We hope to see you there!

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