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Rock Climbing

Thu 4 - Sat 6 Jul 2024

Posted by Isaac M on Tue, 28 May 2024
Leaders: Isaac M
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 2 Jul 2024, 7:00 pm

Sick of having probationary in front of your level in MUMC climbing framework, then this is the trip for you. We will be heading out to Mt Arapiles to climb some multi pitches, so I can assess you and hopefully promote you to a full ILC. This trip is open to all pILCs (ILCs can come and just climb if they want). If you think you should be a pILC (done at least ten trad climbs or a trad course), then contact the Ropes Officer <>. 

The costs for this trip will be food, fuel, campsite fees and whatever gear you need to hire.

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