Rock Climbing Logo

Rock Climbing

Sun 9 Oct 2011 8:00am - 8:00pm

Posted by Sean L on Wed, 14 Sep 2011
Leaders: No leader
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 27 Sep 2011, 7:30 pm

Requirements: If you don't have shoes, carabiner and harness, please hire them from the club on the Tuesday before the meeting. Bring clothes that are easy to move in. Check the forecast before the trip and bring appropriate warm clothes/sun protection. Bring at least 2 litres of water and food for the day (lunch and snacks). We will be stopping at a cafe on the way up if you would like to buy lunch there.

Where: Werribee Gorge, approximately 1 hour from Melbourne.


Come have some vertical fun at the cliffs in Werribee Gorge.

There will be plenty of topropes set up for those who don't have much climbing experience.

If you have climbing experience, there are also quite a few easy to moderate trad climbs and moderate sport climbs to have a play on.

Once everyone has worked up a good appetite, we'll go for a well earned pub meal at nearby Bacchus Marsh before heading back to the clubrooms. 


Leaving: Meet at MUMC clubrooms at 9:00 am

Returning: MUMC clubrooms ~8:00 pm


- $15 ($10 for gear + $5 for petrol)

- Leaders pay for petrol only.

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