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Rock Climbing

Fri 26 - Sun 28 Jul 2024

Posted by Isaac M on Fri, 14 Jun 2024
Leaders: Isaac M, Dáire K
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 23 Jul 2024, 7:00 pm

You have come back to uni and are already sick of it, then come with us and run for the hills, namely Mt Arapiles (Dyurrite). The plan is to leave on Friday evening/afternoon and drive to Araps, from there we will climb to our hearts content on some of the best trad climbing in the world and eat great food at night (there may be pizzas). Then we will return back to uni on sunday evening (some people may stay on for a bit longer). Sounds fun right!!

Now the boring admin stuff, this trip is currently set to be open to everyone, but number of novices will be limited by the number of ILC's who can come. This means that there is no limit to the number of ILC's or PILCs (people who know how to trad climb). Once these numbers are sorted we will then know the number of seconders and novices who can come, (it will be first come first served, so sign up asap). There is also sport climbing at araps from roughly grade 22 onwards (5.11c/6c+) so people who can sport climb in these grades are welcome to lead these sport routes or go for a cheeky pinkpoint, just let me know. 

Admin TLDR: Sign up, be honest in the questions (the more information the better) and I'll tell sort it all out.

Finally the costs, the costs will be the fuel used to get there, the campsite fees ($3 per night), any gear hire that you need and the cost of food ($5 approx per meal). 

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