Sat 22 Oct 2011 10:00am - 10:00pm
Posted by James C
on Fri, 16 Sep 2011
No leader
Standard: app/trips.standards.This trip is suitable for anyone.
Meeting: Tue, 11 Oct 2011, 7:30 pm
Requirements: Sturdy footwear or runners, Tent, Sleeping bag, Sleeping mat (only if planning on camping), Warm clothes, Waterproof jacket, Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks (dinner is usually provided although I have been unable to confirm this at this stage).
A perfect way to get into rogaining and navigation is this 6 or 12 hr rogaine. The event is being run at Enfield State Forest, 120km west of Melbourne by the Victoria Rogaining Association.
If you are new to the club or have never even heard what rogaining is it is not a problem. Teams can be as competitive or as relaxed as you like.
An important note, as for all rogaining trips the meeting is TWO weeks before the trip as signups after Wednesday 12 October 2011 will incur a late fee of $10.
Transportation will involve driving up either Saturday morning or Friday night and camping at the 'Hash House'. More details about this event can be found here.
If you have any questions feel free to email Rot13.write('');"> or just ask me at the clubrooms some time.
~ James Cristofaro, MUMC Rogaining
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