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Bushwalking, Trail Running

Fri 11 12:00pm - Mon 14 Oct 2024 11:30pm

Posted by Luke S on Fri, 9 Aug 2024
Leaders: Luke S, Callum L
Standard: Advanced
Meeting: Tue, 8 Oct 2024, 7:00 pm

Beowa National Park, formerly Ben Boyd National Park, spans 47km of rocky coastline and sheltered inlets. There's really good surf on the sapphire coast so hopefully the weather gods will be in our favour. There's a very good chance we will also get to spot some migrating humpback whales!

The plan is to incorporate the (soon to be upgraded) light-to-light walk (30.9km each way, 794m elevation) twice (~62km, 1592m elevation), trail run (~27km) and hike (~27km, ~8km) with a home base at Saltwater creek campsite for night 1 and 2 and Bittangabee campsite for night 3. 

The plan will be to leave the clubrooms on Friday at about midday, drive 6.5 hours to Ben Boyd national park and set up camp at Saltwater Creek Campsite.  

Saturday will be left to your own devices (up to you). For Luke, this will likely include a morning surf and a 26km trail run (650m elevation) to and from Boyd Tower. Camp will be at Saltwater Creek campsite.

On Sunday, we'll pack our hiking gear, and hike out to the lighthouse and back to Bittangabee campsite (25km, 650m elevation)

Monday we'll hike from Bittangabee back to the cars at Saltwater creek (8km, 300m elevation), have a swim/surf if conditions are good and then pack the car and drive 6.5 hours home. 

The trip is listed as advance... solely because 26km in a day isn't that easy (and you will be responsible for your own safety on Saturday). Bonus cool points if you have any surfing experience. 

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