OETI Flatwater Kayak Leader Industry Skills Training

Sea/touring kayaking Logo

Sea/Touring Kayaking

Sat 21 - Tue 24 Sep 2024

Posted by Nathan D on Tue, 20 Aug 2024
Leaders: Nathan D
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting

Hi everyone,

Just advertising a course from OETI that takes beginner level kayakers to a Paddle Aus Flatwater Guide equivalent.

The course would be run in 2 parts over 6 days - 4 days on Sep 21-24 and 2 days on Oct 12-13. The listed cost of the course is $890.

If you fulfil the prereqs for the PA Flatwater guide course, that would work out to be a cheaper option as the club does not require trainee leaders to have completed the assessment or to be registered as guides with Paddle Australia.

After completing this course, you will need to assist running trips with an established flatwater leader at the club to become checked off yourself.

Click here to see OETI's course brochure

If you have any questions you can message me, Nathan, on fb messenger here or approach either of the paddling deputies, Avryl and Polly at Tuesday meetings.

*Note: This is an externally run course*

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