Rock Climbing
Wed 11 - Thu 12 Sep 2024
Posted by Riley C
on Wed, 28 Aug 2024
Riley C, Ikey D
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 10 Sep 2024, 7:00 pm
Join us for two days of sport climbing out in the Gariwerd/Grampians region.
We'll finalize plans once we have the group locked in but the trip will most likely look like the following... departing from the clubrooms around 7am on Wednesday morning, we'll drive to Mt Stapylton Campground and walk into one of the close by crags. After a day of climbing we'll return to the campground, spend the night, and rest up before another day of climbing on the Thursday. After we wrap up climbing around 4/5pm on Thursday we'll drive back to the Melbourne, hopefully being back in Melbourne by 8/9pm.
Possible crags include West Flank, Sentinel Cave, and I Forget Walls. This will all depend on the groups climbing ability/experience and will be decided at the Tuesday meeting.
To come on this trip, you'll need to be ticked off in the club framework. At a minimum, you must be a seconder. If you are a seconder (or get ticked off before the trip), you can come on this trip, but you are not allowed to lead. If you are a Probationary ILC or higher, you're all gravy baby (aka you can do everything.) If you have questions about this or think you may qualify please contact Ikey, Isaac (ropes officer, ), or myself.
Climbing and camping gear can be hired from the club on the Tuesday night, see the gear hire page for costs. If you have questions about what gear you'll need just contact Ikey or myself.
Fuel will be split between all participants and individual/shared dinner plans can be discussed at the meeting.
Due to leader/participant ratios this trip will be very limited. We hope to run more in the future if people are keen to get outdoors!
If we suspect it's going to be wet or rain, we'll relocate somewhere else/make alternate plans.
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