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Rock Climbing

Wed 4 Sep 2024 8:00am

Posted by Riley C on Wed, 28 Aug 2024
Leaders: Riley C, Ikey D
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 3 Sep 2024, 5:00 pm

We're heading Mt Macedon for another top rope session!

We'll depart from the clubrooms around 8am on Wednesday morning and drive to Camels Hump Carpark for a day of climbing. We'll set up a number of different top ropes with a wide range of difficulty and styles catering to all skill levels, this is open to all climbing abilities including absolute beginners!

It'll be a decently big day with about an hour long drive and a 5-10 minute relatively easy walking approach to the crag. We will then climb for a few hours and aim to be back at the clubrooms by 6pm.

You'll need to bring plenty of water, food (lunch and snacks), and sunscreen. You will also need to have climbing shoes, a harness, and a helmet. These can all be hired out from the MUMC climbing store on the Tuesday night before the trip. A $50 cash deposit is required for gear hire.

We will have a trip meeting on Tuesday the 3rd at 5pm (before Pie and Slide) to confirm numbers and gear, if you have signed up you must be in attendance at the meeting or must have contacted the leaders of the trip prior to the meeting. If you have any questions you can ask at the meeting or contact me on the email above.

Due to leader/participant ratios this trip will be very limited. We hope to run plenty more in the future if people are keen to get outdoors!

Mt Macedon is primarily a summer climbing location as it does get extremely wet and takes a long time to dry in the cooler months. If we suspect it's going to be wet or if rain/low cloud is predicted, we'll relocate this to Werribee Gorge. If it's raining on the day we'll head to Urban Climb Blackburn.

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