Rock Climbing Logo

Rock Climbing

Fri 20 - Sun 29 Sep 2024

Posted by Connor G on Mon, 9 Sep 2024
Leaders: Connor G, Luke S (unconfirmed), Riley C, Jess V
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 17 Sep 2024, 7:00 pm

Trad? Sport? Squeeze Test!?! We're doing it all this midsemester break at Victoria's (and Australia's) best crags of all time! 

The plan is to mainly stay at the Pines in Arapiles, making a couple of day trips to some sport routes at Grampians during the weekdays of the break. If you're keen to do either please make sure you're checked off in the climbing framework as at least a seconder. If you have questions about where you land in the framework please send your logbook to .

If you cannot make it for the entire action-packed event don't worry! Plenty of others are rocking up for either weekends or even mid-week. Should be a blast and can't wait to see ya there!

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