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Sat 19 12:01pm - Sun 20 Oct 2013 12:01pm

Posted by Rodney P on Thu, 13 Dec 2012
Leaders: Rodney P
Standard: app/trips.standards.Intermediate to Advanced
Meeting: Tue, 8 Oct 2013, 7:30 pm

This is a bushwalking race organised by the Victorian Rogaining Association.  The championships are a 24 hour event, which you are unlikely to enjoy unless you've rogained before.  An 8 hour rogaine will be held on the same course.  (Not a 15 hour rogaine with a compulsory 9 hour break, as was previously announced.)  This is suitable for beginners.

 We compete in teams of 2 to 4 people.  The organisers place checkpoints on a course in the bush, then give each team a map showing where they are, and start the clock. 

Details here.  The event will be at Enfield State Forest, south of Ballarat. The VRA will provide a bus from Melbourne on Saturday morning, exact times and stops yet to be announced.  Note that the trip meeting is a fortnight before the rogaine. We'll organise teams and transport then, and can't always make space for people after the meeting.

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